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Practice of Godliness

Practice of Godliness

Introduction to the book as we begin:

Hello Valley Heights Ladies!


It is that beautiful time of the year when those hot summer days start to diminish and those cool autumn days begin to draw near. It’s that breathtaking time of the year when we see and experience the hand of God at work deliberately transforming one season into another. It’s that beloved time of the year when our senses are heightened to the changes that begin to appear all around us. But what truly makes this such a blessed time of the year for me is when we as women young and old begin to gather once again to pray, to study God’s Word and delight in seeing and experiencing the Lord do His life-transforming work in all of our hearts and lives! 


I was just reading in an article today written by a pastor that “Every Christian (including those who are spiritually immature-Hebrews 6:1), regardless of age, experience or circumstance bears the responsibility to grow spiritually.  We are commanded by God to “press on to maturity.” He states that Scripture encourages such desires and expectations for believers. Peter writes, “Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation-1 Peter 2:2”. Our Lord commands us to desire that which will enable our spiritual growth (milk of the Word”; NASB) so that by it we mature into salvation that is ours in Christ.” Throughout the text of Hebrews chapter 6 we are taught that those who are not maturing in the Lord are in grave danger. Are you growing and maturing in the Lord? Is this your desire?


Scripture commands us, ladies, to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ-2 Peter 3:18.” In regards to godliness, scripture encourages us and exhorts us to not only “pursue godliness- 1 Timothy 6:11 and discipline ourselves for the purpose of godliness-1 Timothy 4:7” but also exhorts us to “deny ungodliness and worldly desires-Titus 2:12.” Godliness is not optional for any believer. These are crystal clear commands from the very mouth of God with which we must obey motivated out of our love for Christ and because of His imminent return- “…what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God…2 Peter 3:10-18.”


Praise be to God that “…His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence…-2 Peter 1:2.” I love what Pastor MacArthur says in his study notes in the ‘The MacArthur Study Bible’ about this verse. He says, “The genuine Christian is eternally secure in his salvation and will persevere and grow because he has received everything necessary to sustain eternal life through Christ’s power. To be godly is to live reverently, loyally and obediently toward God.  Peter means that the genuine believer ought not to ask God for something more (as if something necessary to sustain his growth, strength, and perseverance was missing) to become godly, because he already has every spiritual resource to manifest, sustain, and perfect godly living.” Praise be to God that He “has given us faith and all the graces necessary for godliness-2Peter 1:3-4.” 


O ladies, it is my desire by God’s grace to continue to learn and be changed more into the image of Christ by “putting on the new self” (Ephesians 4:20-24)—and growing in Christian conduct and character this coming year.  Jerry Bridges’ book “The Practice of Godliness” which we will be studying this year is the sequel to the book “The Pursuit of Holiness” which we studied last year. Last year we focused on what it means to grow in holiness as we follow Christ. We were taught how to “put off the old self” and how to deal biblically with the continuing presence of sin in our lives. This year we will learn how to continually “put on the new self” and learn that by laying an “inward foundation of God-centeredness” we can by God’s grace develop a character that will steadily be transformed into Jesus’ likeness. 


I echo Jerry Bridges' heart in the preface of his book, “I am keenly aware of the need for more growth in my own life in many of the areas covered in this book.”  Ladies, won’t you join me this year!

Jerry Bridges says that godliness is more than a character trait: “It is a foundational spiritual quality that makes the entire Christian life dynamic, effective, and pleasing to God.” Jerry will teach us through the Word of God that the Holy Spirit not only helps us develop these character traits in us, but that it is also our responsibility to live them out. He reminds us numerous times throughout the book that to grow in godliness there must be discipline—the discipline of prayer, the discipline of Bible memory and meditation and the discipline of obedience at all cost.


It is my prayer that myself and all of you, who will take the time to prayerfully read through this book and study it, will not only discover how to seek a deeper devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ; discover how to train ourselves to be godly; discover how to clothe ourselves in Christ; but also discover how to spiritually “grow up in every way” into Christ- Ephesians 4:1-16. 


Ladies, “let’s press on to maturity” as we practice godliness for His honour and glory alone. 

With love and prayers and gratitude filling my heart for you all,


Continuing in the New Year 2024:

O my dear friends and sisters in Christ at VH’s….praying for a blessed 2024 as you surrender this New Year in the precious all caring hands of our Father... 


Another year is dawning, dear Father, let it be In working or in waiting, another year with Thee; Another year of progress, another year of praise, Another year of proving Thy presence all the days. Another year of mercies, of faithfulness and grace, Another year of gladness in the shining of Thy face; Another year of leaning upon Thy loving breast; Another year of trusting, of quiet, happy rest. Another year of service, of witness for Thy love, Another year of training for holier work above; Another year is dawning, dear Father, let it be On earth, or else in Heaven, another year for Thee. -Frances R. Havergal (Hymn writer for "Take My Life and Let It Be") 


Thanking the Lord for each one of you and for the gift of yet another year to continue to learn together how and why we are to seek to not only grow in our devotion to God but to also seek to grow in both Christian conduct and character. Though we are positionally declared holy and righteous because of what Christ accomplished for us on the cross, we are to practically live holy and godly lives each day, "looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God" 2 Peter 3:10-18NASB).


In our last study in, “The Practice of Godliness”, we looked at the character trait of putting on humility. This character trait clearly laid a biblical foundation for us to build upon for our study the rest of the year. 


Ladies, as we daily humble ourselves before God and His Word, in regards to the trials and blessings that come our way, or abilities and achievements with which we are blessed, and as we humble ourselves toward other people, we begin to see how vital this biblical foundation is in order for us to build all other character traits upon. 


In this New Year it is my prayer that we would continue to pursue holiness(dealing with sin in our lives) and continue to learn how to practice godliness(growing in Christian character and conduct), as we depend upon the grace of God and the Spirit of God in order to live for the glory of God!  

Won't you join us....

“From the rising of the sun to its setting the name of the LORD is to be praised. The LORD is high above all nations; His glory is above the heavens.” (Psalm 113:3-4NASB)


O that we would every day this New Year not only acknowledge God’s glory but live for His glory, not only as we put His life on display, but as we purposefully praise His most Holy name in and through all circumstances that He has providentially planned for us. He is so worthy of our worship and so worthy to faithfully witness to others the saving and sanctifying grace of His glorious Gospel...Psalm 115:1NASB)!


With love and prayers and gratitude filling my heart for you all,


Study Dates
Chapter Summaries
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