Our Resources
Bible Study Tools
You may find the following resources helpful in studying the Scriptures. Keep in mind that Scripture is the final authority. Efforts have been made to list only solid resources. Listing here does not imply endorsement. Discernment is required when using these resources.
Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so. Acts 17:11
Blue Letter Bible
The Blue Letter Bible provides powerful tools for an in-depth study of God’s Word through our free online reference library, with study tools that are grounded in the historical, conservative Christian faith.
e-Sword is a fast and effective way to study the Bible. e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly with more capabilities than you would expect in a free software package. The fact that e-Sword is free is just one of the blessings and does not speak of the quality of the software.
The Master’s Seminary Theological Resource Centre
Most pastors around the world will never be able to attend seminary. However, our Theological Resource Center (www.theologicalresources.org) now comes to you who cannot come to us. The Theological Resource Center serves as a worldwide extension of The Master’s Seminary.
The Theological Resource Center provides study/teaching materials from The Master’s Seminary, Grace Community Church, The Master’s College, and Grace to You.
Bible Gateway
Offers easy Bible searching and access to many of the IVP commentaries.
Google Scholar
A resource to help you research journal articles.
Biblical Training
The vision of BiblicalTraining is to help build healthy churches and fulfill the Great Commission by providing world-class educational resources for making new and fully-devoted followers of Christ within the context of the local church.
Offers access to a huge array of theological articles. This is also the home of the NET bible with its often helpful footnotes.
The Cripplegate
This blog is a … place for like-minded Christians and pastors to share their thoughts about ministry, theology, and issues that affect the church today, in a way that will bring encouragement and clarity to those who read it. Why Cripplegate? (click here).
Grace to You Resources
There are a ton of free resources from John MacArthur’s ministry – including 30+ years of expository sermons.
-Fighting the Good Fight: Fiftieth-Anniversary Interview with John MacArthur
The Master’s Seminary Journal
Be sure to check out the study resources at TMS. The Master’s Seminary Journal provides insightful and thoroughly researched articles on many Scripture passages and theological issues. Don’t miss the annual Faculty Lecture series (an audio version of these lectures are available here from the seminary).
Deeper Study
This provides links to many older online commentaries that are in the public domain.
StudyLight is a useful website for Bible study. It has commentaries, greek word study tools, and cross references that can be used to enhance your study of God’s Word.
Google Books
Offers the ability to search within books for the topic you are studying.
i-Tunes U
A significant number of theological institutions (as well as other universities and colleges) have made lectures available for free download through iTunes.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
The Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL) seeks to build up the church by making classic Christian literature widely available and promoting its use for edification and study.
Please note: Like a physical library, this ethereal library has some resources that we can recommend and some that we cannot. Please read discerningly and let Scripture be the final authority on everything. The listing here does not imply endorsement. Discernment is required when using these resources.
Document Downloads
Click on the following links to download and read through our VHCC documents.
Believer’s Commitments
Membership Application
Prospective Member Letter
Purposes and Activities of VHCC
Statement of Doctrinal Agreement
Introduction: Priorities for Marriage
Session 1: God’s Blueprint for Marriage
Session 2: Being a Fulfilled and Fulfilling Husband
Session 3: Being a Fulfilled and Fulfilling Wife
Session 4: Effective Communication, Part I
Session 5: Effective Communication, Part II
Session 6: Preventing and Resolving Conflicts
Session 7: Handling Family Finances
Session 8: Biblical Principles for Physical Intimacy
A Study of Revelation