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Our Ministries

To learn more about our ministries here at Valley Heights,

read and visit the links below. 
For more information or questions on how to be involved in these ministries,

please contact our leadership by phone or email found at the bottom of this page. 
We pray you will be encouraged and blessed by these resources. 

Family Fishing Trip

Family Discipleship

This group is intended to be a focused study on God's design for the family. As such, it will be applicable for families and individuals alike as we seek the will of the Lord in regard to our families and other relationships. The intended result is for all participants to grow in their relationship with the Lord and the individuals God has placed in our lives as we seek to live according to His way.

Bible Study

This group is intended to be a relational network focused on applying scriptural truths to one another’s lives. As such, relationships are built within the meeting contexts to encourage open and honest conversation about the struggles and triumphs being experienced. The intended result is for men of VHCC to have an opportunity to encourage, exhort, teach, help, bear with, pray for, rebuke and love one another through all the shared experiences of life.



VHCC youth ministry is focused on the discipleship of students. Our goal is to see the truths of Scripture cultivated in the lives of our teens, knowing that a knowledge of God is worthless if it is not accompanied by a life that is changed (James 1:22).


Bible Study

VHCC Ladies Ministry is designed to teach women how to be women of faith, and faithful to the call on their lives to be ambassadors for Jesus Christ in their homes, in their church and in their community. It is a sweet time of fellowship, building relationships, and studying God's Word with the purpose of becoming more like Him. 



Every Sunday here at VHCC, the children participate in the worship of song, prayer, Scripture reading, and the teaching of God's Word. Our classes equip children with a knowledge of God and His Word as the truths of His gospel message are faithfully taught each Sunday. 

SALT Ministry

Senior Adults Living Triumphantly

Just as salt is a necessary part of our daily consumption, our S.A.L.T. fellowship group is a necessary part of our delightful congregation!

S.A.L.T. fellowship group’s desire is to enhance their effectiveness for Jesus Christ in our church and community and to preserve the flavour of being united in “the Spirit in the bond of peace”.


©2023 Valley Heights Community Church

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