Women's Ministry
The women at VHCC desire to be women of faith and faithful to the call on our lives to be ambassadors for Jesus Christ our Lord in our homes, in our church and in our community. It is our desire to make it our aim to please the Lord and become like our Lord in our thoughts, words, attitudes and actions. As we live in the surpassing riches of His glorious grace through the power of His Holy Spirit we desire to individually and collectively become:
Women who faithfully FOCUS on Jesus Christ and live for His glory!
Women who faithfully FEED on the living and transforming Word of God!
Women who faithfully FELLOWSHIP with other believers with the goal to edify, build up and strengthen one another’s walk with our Lord!
Women who faithfully FIND opportunities to joyfully serve, sacrifice and FULFILL the one another’s in scripture!
Even though we know that we are sinners saved by God’s grace we deeply desire to make it our aim to be a “sweet aroma of the knowledge of Christ in every place” so that we would be like our Lord “full of grace and truth.”
We want to be women who are faithful to point you to Jesus the author and perfecter of faith: to love Him, to know Him, to trust Him, to worship Him, to fear Him, to submit and surrender all to Him, to obey Him, to grow in Him, to be faithful to Him, to abide in Him and to be satisfied in Him alone.
It is our desire to truly show Him to others so they can know the saving power and the hope of the Gospel!