Valley Heights
Community Church
:: Living Holy and Hopeful Lives ::
Proclaiming Jesus Christ in Our Community Since 2000
"The afflicted and needy are seeking water,
but there is none...I the LORD, will answer them Myself...
I will open rivers on the bare heights
and springs in the midst of the valleys...the hand of
the LORD has done this."
[Isaiah 41:17-20]
Valley Heights Community Church is an Independent Bible Church committed to excellence in communicating the truths of the Bible and to living authentic Christian lives
so that we may glorify God and make Him known in our community and in our world.
- Join us Sunday Mornings at 10am -

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We are a grace-empowered, Bible-centered church serving the Chilliwack area with the good news that Jesus saves and forgives sinners eternally! We believe that the church exists to glorify God, proclaim the gospel to all who will hear, and encourage and build up the saints to do the work of the ministry. Our goal is to be God-honoring in everything that we do together. Through singing, praying, reading Scripture, hearing the Word of God preached and sharing our lives with one another, we are a church family united by a common identity in Christ. That identity is expressed through our shared confession that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. While Sunday services include worship, prayer, the giving of first-fruits, and the public reading of Scripture, hearing the Word of God explained is the centerpiece of our Sunday worship service. Sermons at Valley Heights Community Church are expositional, Christ-centered, and doctrinally sound. We believe that the best way we can grow together as a congregation of believers is through the careful study and application of Scripture.