A Study of Psalm 119
Introduction to A Study of Psalm 119
Hello Valley Heights Ladies!
Psalm 27:8 "When You said "SEEK my face", my heart said to You, "Your face, O LORD, I shall SEEK."
Hope you have enjoyed this past summer in fresh new ways with your families and friends! I also hope and pray you have had daily opportunities to see Jesus our Lord afresh through His Word! Fall is just around the corner! And I am very excited about our Ladies Bible Study about to begin on TUESDAY mornings--"Seeking Him" through Psalm 119!!!
"Seeking His face is a primary characteristic of true believers who desire intimate fellowship with God!"
May we continue to seek Christ's good pleasure this year as we continue to be learning, growing, motivating, inspiring, challenging and sharpening one another and reminding one another of our constant need to be on guard against the subtle ways sin can creep into our lives and take root in our hearts!! For His Name's sake may we live with all of our might to the glory and praise of His precious purposes!!
Let's pray we will be Women of Influence, Women of the Word, Women of Prayer, Women of Faith, Women of Hope, Women of Joy, Women of Grace, Women of Service, Sacrifice and Submission---- Women who live INTENTIONALLY and CONSISTENTLY in all areas of our lives without compromise-- breathing --thinking -- and choosing to live a Biblical worldview!
Blessings to you all,
Christyn Champ
Click the Links Below to Read Lesson Recaps:
Psalm 119 - Beth
Psalm 119 - Gimel
Psalm 119 - Daleth
Psalm 119:1-88 - Seeking Christ Through Aleph-Kaph
Psalm 119:89-176 - Seeking Christ Through Lamedh - Tav